Medium Kareen

Hi, I'm Kareen. Welcome to my official website! I am a Psychic, Medium, and Mother to 3 beautiful children. I have been working as a Medium for over ten years. Unlike most mediums, I didn't seek out my gift; my gift found me. The first time I saw a ghost wasn’t at all how I would have expected it to be. My Aunt had passed away unexpectedly. Within hours of her passing, she was communicating with me first through dreams, then through visions. I kept them to myself until I was overwhelmed with messages for family members and felt pressured into passing them on. I began to have more frequent experiences with others who had passed away, some I knew, some I didn’t, but it took me years to believe in what I was feeling, seeing, and hearing. After going through a difficult chapter in my own life, I found myself and was ready to work with Spirit. Once I decided to use my gift to help others, it progressed rapidly, and I attuned to it more quickly than I had anticipated.
One of the main questions I’m asked is, “Why wouldn’t you want to communicate with Spirit?” Well, my main gift is the gift of feeling, which means spirits make me feel a certain way emotionally and physically. They had been doing this to me all of my life, which I had confused with having severe anxiety (and was actually diagnosed with a stress disorder in my teenage years). I taught myself to fear feelings, and it was overwhelming to feel such deep emotions at unexpected times. It took many years for me not to fear my gifts. Serendipitously, I met a Psychic online, and it was she who taught me not only how to protect myself but also how not to allow Spirit to control my life.
I then began educating myself through reading biographies of other Psychic-Mediums. Doing so helped me understand more of my own gift and how it worked. I taught myself how to link my gifts together to make sense of what I was seeing, hearing, and feeling. I began to practice on friends, friends of friends, and people online. By word of mouth I developed a pretty overwhelming following on social media, it all happened very magically (97,000 followers!). I spent a few years where I dedicated all my free time to helping as many people as I possibly could by either connecting them with their passed-over loved ones and/or providing messages from above to help them find their own life purpose. I began connecting people to their Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Angels, wherein which they would bring any messages that would help them to release past issues which in turn opened up their awareness.
I found Reiki in 2013, became attuned to heal myself. With becoming attuned, my connection with the spiritual world became so much stronger. I began to see colors that didn’t exist, angels and felt a stronger connection to spirit than I ever had before. Angels began leaving numerous physical signs of their presence. They did this frequently and consistently. It was upon finding a pile of feathers randomly scattered about in my living room that opened my eyes to the magical messages I was receiving. I realized Angels were paving the way for me to use my gift full-time to help people and were also showing themselves so I would believe I was meant to do this work. I’m currently working on a Memoir which will include all the amazing encounters I have had with Angels and Spirits.
I reside in San Diego, California, although I conduct readings for people worldwide (via Zoom). What gifts do I have? I have the gifts of feeling (clairsentience), hearing (clairaudience), seeing (clairvoyance), and knowing (claircognizance). They all work together to bring spiritual guidance and messages. To prove I am the “real deal,” I have been double-tested by Best American Psychic's team. I have over 1,000 testimonials from clients who have experienced reading with me (refer to my Facebook page). I also have many students I have successfully assisted in bringing their gifts forward. Words can’t express how much gratitude I have for this gift. It truly is a gift, and I hope I am able to help more and more people as the years roll on.
With the changing times, many scammers have been affecting those in the spiritual community. Please be mindful of scammers online. I have had hundreds of fake accounts created of me on Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok. You can find links below to MY official accounts. Know that I will never message you asking for money or offering a reading; any legit reader will not do this.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to meeting you soon.